Marketing Companies and Churches through Professional Communication Strategies.

Speiro - to sow

Speiro - Comes from the Greek and means to sow, this is the purpose of Speiro Communications. We believe there is a great opportunity for select businesses and the church to reach beyond current efforts and into the lives of people in their community and beyond. Our mission is to assist churches and businesses, convey a positive message to their surrounding community and the world.  We will help you sow, scatter and seed.

About US

At Speiro Communications we have decades of experience in communication strategies. We have married this knowledge with our desire to help churches and select businesses spread seed in their communities through marketing strategies and social media.  

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Our Mission

We are dedicated to the effort of the sower and assisting Christian Churches and select businesses in messaging effectively to others. We cannot guarantee that all of the seeds will find their resting place in fertile soil, but we are to sow.

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When it comes to sowing, each tool has it's job. You don't dig with a rake, you dig with a shovel. When it comes to talking to your community it is very similar and Speiro understands which tool to use and how to use them for churches or businesses.  

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